Ahoy & welcome to the “30 Days of Lance” challenge!

For the next 30 days of my streams on Twitch I’ll be using only Lance in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. It’s currently one of my least-played weapons in the 1300 hours I’ve played of Sunbreak, so my aim for the next 30 streams is to give myself challenges that will force me to learn a lot more about it, try a variety of aspects of the weapon, and hopefully improve quickly.

Our challenges will be:
- Use only Lance for 30 days of streaming (excepting gathering and cycling quests).
- Add at least 205 Lance hunts to my guild card (for a total of 300) by the end of the 30 days.
- Clear the game’s entire roster of 76 monsters with Lance at least once, aiming to clear an Anomaly or otherwise tough Master Rank version of the monster whenever possible.
- Clear all Master Rank event quests with Lance.
- Use randomized loadouts of switch skills each night for the first 15 nights of the challenge, with the last 15 days being “anything goes”.
- Make at least 4 armor sets I’m happy with: Meta Raw, Meta Element, Off-Meta “Goofy”, and a favorite most “me-feeling” set.
- Collect one lance for each element, status, and one more pure-raw option.
- Complete a sub-10 Anomaly hunt of my choosing.
- Complete a final, ultimate challenge of my choosing (to be decided much later into the challenge).

Follow along with my nightly progress in the Progress Log, or find some MH info in the Resources.

  • Thanks for visiting!